Some projects in the R programming language...
Introductory resources for learning to program using the R statistical computing language, aimed primarily for a psychology audience.
I was having a bad weekend, so I wrote a small blogdown theme and it got a little out of hand. The slum theme for Hugo and associated slumstyle R package are both works in progress.
I am one of the cofounders of the Sydney chapter of the R-Ladies organisation, which is devoted to providing opportunity and equality for gender minorities in the R community.
Lecture notes for an undergraduate statistics and research methods class, using the R statistical computing language. The notes became quite extensive, and are now effectively a book. The notes are freely available, released under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
To what extent, and in what fashion, can the R programming language play an useful role in psychology? In this somewhat unplanned talk for the useR!2018 conference in Brisbane, a few thoughts on this topic are shared!
A longform personal essay that discusses the logic of animation, transformation and tweening, and ties it to a discussion of gender transition.
A detailed discussion of ggplot2 and an introduction to gganimate prepared for satRday Johannesburg 2019
A simple script that overlays LGBT flags with the R logo. It's not very complicated, but I'm a big fan of R_LGBTQ
Create ASCII art from any image. It has no practical value, but it was fun to write.
My honours elective provides a gentle introduction to computational modelling of human cognition, and among other things includes a few examples of computational cognitive modelling in R.
A four day workshop run for undergraduate and early postgraduate students, focusing on the use of R in mathematical psychology and cognitive science.
A series of animations created using gganimate and the brownian bridge function in e1071 package, exploring the possible uses of shadow wake.